Tag: aftermarket

Differentiating Technical Training: Our Trainers (V/V)
Differentiating Technical Training: Our Trainers
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Differentiating Technical Training: the Resources (Part IV/V)
Differentiating Technical Training: the Resources (Part IV/V)
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Grup Eina, 20 years dedicated to the automotive industry
Grup Eina, 20 years dedicated to the automotive industry
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Differentiating Technical Training: the Documentation (Part III/V)
Differentiating Technical Training: the Documentation
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Our Technical Training Sessions: What Makes Them Different: Their Usefulness (Part II/V)
Our Technical Training Sessions: What Makes Them Different: Their Usefulness
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Grup Eina’s team!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Grup Eina’s team!
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Our Technical Training Sessions: What Makes Them Different (Part I/V)
Our Technical Training Sessions: What Makes Them Different
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Concerned about Electric Vehicles
Concerned about Electric Vehicles. Queries about the vehicle’s electricity and electronics have been increasing.
d »Autodistribution Talbot explores our services for workshops
Autodistribution Talbot explores our services for workshops
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The Regional Bodywork Managers from Autodistribution visit Grup Eina
The Regional Bodywork Managers from Autodistribution visit Grup Eina
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High-Quality Automotive Tutorials
Are you a distributor or spare-part manufacturer interested in creating high-quality automotive tutorials that are clear and understandable? We can help you!! Contact us: https://grupeina.com/en/contact/
d »Salon Autodistribution Loire Dia for repairers
Today, 20th June, Grup Eina is at Autodistribution Loire Dia Salon in France to present our technical services for repairers.
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Supporting Maverick Diagnostics at Automechanika UK
From 6th to 8th June, we are at Automechnika Birmingham supporting our partner Maverick Diagnostics.
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Training on Automatic Gearbox Maintenance and Draining
On 31st May and 1st June, the training on Automatic Gearbox Maintenance and Draining took place in our facilities in Figueres. Our experienced trainer in automatic transmission technology and the use of draining stations, Paul-Henri Grimaud, was in charge of delivering this training.
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Cantabriaskills 2023
From 9th to 12th May, Cantabriaskills 2023, the Vocational Training Olympics, are being held in Santander.
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The parts distributors collaborating with Doyen Belux visited Grup Eina
Last week we had the pleasure to welcome Doyen Belux and its partners distributors Api Belux and Autodistribution Belux.
d »A workshop is not only about diagnosing and repairing vehicles, but also about managing a business
Another interesting reflection of our colleague José Miguel López: “Is it enough to have a high technical level to be successful when embarking on the adventure of setting up your own automotive workshop?
d »We repair vehicles, we deal with people
Interesting reflection from our colleague Jose Miguel López: “The automotive sector is undergoing a technological evolution. New technologies, in both internal combustion engines and electric-drive vehicles, have forced professionals in the sector to receive technical training in these new technologies if they want to keep developing their work in an optimal way. However, have you […]
d »Telwin demonstration days
Last week, Telwin organised two demonstration days in Grup Eina’s car body facilities in Figueres. During them, Telwin presented its novelties for 2023. The car body managers from all AD Parts partners, as well as our trainers, Manu Calvente and Miguel Martin were invited and participated in all the demonstrations. A big thank you to Telwin […]
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Jornal das Oficinas: “Grup Eina presents its new headquarters: The technological ally of the workshop”
In November 2022, Jornal das Oficinas visited the facilities of Grup Eina, the AD technical center and the technological partner of the workshop. Thank you very much for your visit and your words!
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