Grup Eina, 20 years dedicated to the automotive industry
Last Friday, February 9th, 2024, Grup Eina celebrated its 20th anniversary. Twenty years dedicated to the automotive industry, providing service to workshops through our clients. Twenty years of innovation and evolution at the frenetic pace of automotive technological advances and society in general. Twenty years contributing to vocational training for the new generations in our sector. Twenty years committed to our employees and their families to offer them stability, security and quality of life.
Grup Eina, 20 years dedicated to the automotive industry.
Certainly, two decades allow for a lot, even for a pandemic! Surely our founders could write a book with their experiences leading Grup Eina, guiding it towards the future we live in today. Because creating a company is relatively easy, making it grow, not so much and consolidating it in the sector, turning it into a European reference, even less so. However, they have also achieved almost the impossible, which is to transcend the company itself to give it heart.
In this video, our team in Figueres.
A company with heart
In these 20 years of growth, Grup Eina has managed thanks to and despite everything experienced to preserve its essence, its heart, its most human values: effort, commitment, and responsibility, but also humility, honesty and humanity. Because we are a company, of course, but we are also people (we are fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, partners, etc.), working hand in hand, as a team, supporting each other, both professionally and personally. This makes us great.
In this video, our team in Badalona.

From those two offices of barely 15 m2 that opened in 2004, to the 5 headquarters we have today -Figueres, Badalona and A Coruña in Spain, Famoes in Portugal, and Drogenbos in Belgium-, totaling about 4,100 m2, with a team of over 175 employees, presence in almost every European country, in North Africa and in South America… We can feel proud, all of us who have helped turn a dream, a vision, into a business that contributes to the well-being of many families, but also to the sector and society.
In this picture, our team in Belgium and in Almeria.

Thank you all
Therefore, we want to thank our founders for their vision and the sacrifices they made to make it a reality. Thanks to the colleagues who were there in the beginning and helped move forward with effort, integrity, strength, and enthusiasm. Thanks to the other colleagues who have joined the team and the project with the same fighting spirit and commitment. Thanks to everyone for making Grup Eina a company with heart, where we are proud to work.
In this picture, the EinaTech team.

Last but not least, thank you to our shareholders and preferred customers, AD PARTS and Autodistribution, for their great support and loyalty, and thanks to all our customers and users for their trust and loyalty. Without you, we wouldn’t be what we have become.
Grup Eina, 20 years dedicated to automotive, providing service to the mechanical workshop. Happy 20th anniversary to everyone. Here’s to many more years!
In this picture, the EinaContact team.