The Regional Bodywork Managers from Autodistribution visit Grup Eina
As part of their seminar, the Regional Bodywork Managers from Autodistribution visited Grup Eina for one day on 30th August. We were delighted to welcome them to our facilities in Figueres and had the opportunity to exchange knowledge, opinions, market trends, and concerns of bodywork professionals. It was indeed a very enriching exchange

Assistance Diag
Firstly, we discussed how our call center, AssistanceDiag at Autodistribution, can assist professional bodywork specialists.
For example, do you need the disassembly and assembly manual for the rear hatch handle of a Peugeot 3008? We provide bodywork professionals with disassembly and assembly manuals for any component from any manufacturer. Let’s consider the case of replacing the right rear side panel of a Megane. AssistanceDiag will provide you with the repair manual because we have access to repair manuals from any manufacturer to carry out any operation.
Training Methodology
Furthermore, we discussed our training methodology within the context of bodywork. More specifically, we provided a brief demonstration and training session on paintless dent repair on a steel door using various rods, followed by a demonstration of induction dent repair on an aluminum bonnet. Other training sessions generated a great deal of interest. These are: ADAS system calibration, handling electrified vehicles (in our case, using a Hyundai Ioniq Plug-In), glass replacement with various techniques and tools, including windshield camera calibration, as well as repair, adhesive bonding, riveting and welding on both steel and aluminum, among others.

Pass-Thru Demonstration
Lastly, we carried out a demonstration of the new service we provide to the AD Network, the Pass-Thru, which is essential for bodywork professionals.
Of course, we also discussed other services offered by Grup Eina for Autodistribution and their AD Network. For example, CampusAD, our online training platform; EinaVTS, our database of resolved issues; EinaTech, our services for verification, repair, cloning, and rental of control units, and the creators of EinaLock, a simple tool to verify the interaction between the transponder in the start-up system’s antenna and the car key’s transponder, etc…
In summary, it was a very enriching day that we hope will be the first of many more and the beginning of a strong collaboration in various areas.