Government representatives and automotive industry media visit Grup Eina
On Tuesday, November 22, we had the honour of receiving at our facilities in Figueres the representatives of the Government of Catalonia and the Spanish and Portuguese media from the automotive industry, accompanied by AD Parts. A very productive day that has begun to bear fruit and has especially energised and strengthened the existing synergies. In the morning, they visited the AD Parts facilities.
The day in pictures:
Josep Bosch, President of AD Parts
Agnès Lladó, Mayor of Figueres
Joan Martí Bonmatí, Director of Territorial, Business and Labour Services in Girona of la Generalitat de Catalunya
Juan Carlos Martín, CEO of AD Parts

At noon they arrived at Grup Eina. We welcomed them with a brief presentation of Grup Eina.
Presentation of Grup Eina performed by Francesc Poch, CEO of Grup Eina.

Then we invited them to have lunch at our facilities. The catering was delicate and delicious.

After the meal, we showed them our facilities, which impressed our guests and raised many questions that we gladly answered. The visit concluded with question time and conclusions.

The farewell
Below are the articles published so far by some media, which have also been posted on their social networks:
Posventa: «Grup Eina shows the press its renovated facilities in Figueres (Girona)»
MRyT: «The transfer to Figueres, to the brand new Eina headquarters, meant finding a great company.»
Infotaller: «The renovated technical center of Grup Eina stands as the «best technological ally of the workshop»»
Posventa de Automoción: «Possibly, the jewel in the crown of AD Parts is Grup Eina, a technical center that, due to the quality of its training and services, deserves much more publicity than it has among workshops»
LaComunidaddelTaller: «AD Parts boasts about Grup Eina»