Grup Eina’s little artists
From Grup Eina, we have always sought ways to strengthen the bond between the workplace and the family of our employees. Hence, the idea of taking this connection to another level by also involving the little ones at home.
As we previously mentioned, we invited the sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters of our employees to create the Christmas greetings for Grup Eina. There was a lot of participation and creativity in the contest. Our little artists demonstrated great talent!
After that, our teams also embraced the project by selecting the winning greetings. We would like to highlight that more than 70% of colleagues voted for their favourite greeting! Fortunately, because the little ones made it very challenging for us.

The Christmas Greetings
As a token of appreciation for their effort, creativity and involvement, we decided to reward all participants, not just the artists of the winning greetings. Because, undoubtedly, all of them were truly inspired and created very special Christmas greetings.
So, Grup Eina’s little artists, along with their families, visited our facilities so as to personally hang their drawings on our Christmas trees. Yes, trees, in plural, as we have several distributed in each office, among different departments.
The boys and girls, aged 4 to 12, reunited (many had already met in other family activities organised by Grup Eina) or got to know each other (this year, we welcomed new colleagues to the company). Of course, everyone received their prize.

The Prizes
The winners, both in the 4 to 8 years category and the 9 to 12 years category, received a family experience as a gift, tailored to their office location (Spain, Portugal or Belgium). The rest of the participants were gifted with a sweet surprise 😋. Obviously, some couldn’t resist the temptation, and the surprise never made it home…😉
Furthermore, the participants took the opportunity to learn more about Grup Eina and their mom and/or dad’s workplace, their colleagues, etc., and to gather ideas for future activities we organise. Those who had never visited our facilities were amazed. “So many disassembled cars!” “So many people on the phone!” In brief, they left very happy, feeling valued and loved, and eager to participate in any other activity we organise for them.